This May, BikeMN partnered with African Community Services to teach a series of four Adult Learn to Ride classes to 30 participants. Classes were held in South Minneapolis, in the parking lots of Roosevelt High School and Green Central Elementary School.
Participants gained their balance by scooting and striding on bikes with the pedals removed. There was much excitement whenever it “clicked” and a rider was ready to start pedaling! Every class consisted of parking lot drills and games, a Bike Basics class covering laws and safety tips, and most importantly, pizza! At the end of class, participants went on a group ride and rode away with a free bike, lock, and helmet.
Some notable moments from this group included:
- A participant had only ever ridden a stationary bike and was surprised to find that he was able to start riding right away!
- One student decided to ride their brand new bike to school, right after our class!
- A mom, who wanted to be able to ride with her kids, gained her balance for the first time! She had tried to learn on her neighborhood street and said that practicing in a big, empty parking lot made a huge difference for her.
This summer and fall, BikeMN will continue to facilitate these classes in partnership with community organizations throughout the Twin Cities Metro Area. To learn more about signing up for a class or to volunteer, please email, or check out the posts below.