Action Alert

The Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota’s advocacy is at the heart of our work. This is where we ask you to take action in support of safe streets for everybody, everywhere in Minnesota.
Below you will find tools to identify your legislators, our current action alerts (including how to sign-up to get them in your email), and current public comment periods for projects.
Find Your Local Advocacy Chapter
Find a local advocacy group near you, or BikeMN Chapter. If you don’t have one near you, email us and we can help you start one.
Join Us At the Capitol
Join us in St. Paul to advocate for better biking, walking and rolling for Minnesota this spring. We need your voice to join the call for action.
Candidate Search
Want to find out who represents you at the Federal, State, County, and local level? Use our candidate search tool.
Minnesota is a better place to bike and walk because our advocates show up at the Capitol.”
– Dorian Grilley