MnDOT Safe Routes to School Boost Grant Webinars
Safe Routes Boost grant overview
Safe Routes to School Boost grants are intended to help boost Safe Routes to School efforts! Through these grant awards, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) will support communities with existing Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans, or other comprehensive SRTS approaches, in advancing non-infrastructure strategies for schools that support making it safe, easy and fun for students to walk and bicycle to school. More detailed information on eligibility, reporting requirements, and funding restrictions are within the 2023 SRTS Boost grant application guide for Safe Routes to School Boost grant applications.
This funding does not require any in-kind or matching funds. There is up to $200,000 of State SRTS Funds available for this solicitation. Applications should be a minimum of a $5,000 request and a maximum of a $50,000 request. If awarded, the funding is available on a reimbursement basis with proper documentation and reporting and must be expended by June 30, 2025.
MnSRTS Boost Grant Informational Webinar #1
March 28, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time
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