Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in our advocacy, education, and community work. From getting our e-newsletter in your inbox every other Friday, receiving Action Alerts when your voice is needed, to becoming a League Certified Cycling instructor – you’ll find everything you need to get in gear.
National & Local Advocacy
LOCAL: Find an advocacy group near you. If there isn’t one, contact us for help starting one!
NATIONAL: Many great national groups to keep up with as well.
Take Action
Overview of action items can be found here.
Action Alerts
Our voices are stronger together. We’ll send you statewide advocacy alerts and local actions that need your input or voice for better biking, walking, and rolling. Sign up here.
At the Capitol & Current Issues
Every Spring, BikeMN members, advocates, and communities across the state come to the Capitol for a Day on the Hill to speak with leaders and legislators. You can connect with your elected officials all year long. Learn more.
What are we working on right now? Check out our Current Issues page.
Volunteer with BikeMN and tons of great organizations all over the state! Learn more here.
Become a Member
There are many reasons to become a Member of the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota. Your contribution spurs bicycle friendly change at the statewide-level, supports our mission to make our streets and trails safer places to ride, and encourages businesses and communites around Minnesota to become more bike friendly. There are many tangible perks too Here are a half dozen!
1) Shift: A one-year subscription to Shift, the quarterly newsletter of BikeMN.
2) Member Premiums: Thank-you gifts for Members at various levels of contribution. These change regularly.
3) Ride & Event Discounts: Become a member and save on registration to our events all year long. They include:
- Minnesota Bike Summit on Capitol Hill – $5/member
- BikeMN Annual Meeting – $5/member
- Tour of Saints – $5/member
- Rock-n-Roll the Lakes – $5/member
- Saint Paul Classic – $7/member
- Mankato River Ramble – $5/member
4) Education Discounts: BikeMN Members can become better bicyclists for less.
- Traffic Skills 101 (TS101) courses – $10/member
- League Cycling Instruct (LCI) – $30/member