Recap of the first ever Virtual Summit!

- Watch all or part of the 2021 Summit on YouTube.
- 2021 Summit Agenda – March 17 from 4:30 to 6:30pm
- Hear from BikeMN’s lobbyist about the big issues at the Capitol and from the League of American Bicyclists about priorities in D.C.
- The last 30 minutes will be live Q & A with Minnesota legislators.
- People for Bikes and Rich Tauer, QBP’s CEO, will be there to share their thoughts on the “bike boom”, the future of e-bikes, and the difference advocacy, policy, and investments in programs and infrastructure can make.
- MnDOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Met Council Chair Charlie Zelle, Mayor Norton from Rochester, and maybe even the Governor will be there to discuss transportation needs with a focus on active transportation.
- Dr. Laalitha Surapaneni, MD, MPH, U of M Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, and member of Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate will share her thoughts on Active transportation & greenhouse gas emissions.
- Emily Smoak, MDH Statewide Health Improvement Initiatives and Jill Chamberlain with the BlueCross Blue Shield Center for Prevention will share the importance of physical activity and safe routes to school strategies.
- Tony Desnick and colleagues from the Finnish Cycling Embassy will share how the investments that Helsinki and other smaller cities in Finland have made helped achieve a 10% mode share for bikes in less than a decade.
- And, BikeMN staff will share details about how you can be effective in communicating with your legislators about the need for active transportation infrastructure and program investments and policy updates.

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