Take Action!

Join us to help keep the wheels of change spinning
Change is possible, make it happen where you live and ride
Since its inception in 2008, advocating for bicyclists and bike safety is one of BikeMN’s most important goals. We work hard to ensure that walk and bike-friendly policies, programs and infrastructures are in place to make it easy to walk or bike wherever you please. That means improved safety on the roads, more accessible trails and infrastructure, and advocating for funding for bicyclist and pedestrians when transportation projects are funded.
Meet BikeMN Members like Luke or Cathy and submit your own BikeMN story!
Ways you can take action

Become a Bicycle Friendly Community, Business or University
The BikeMN endorsed Bicycle Friendly America program recognizes states, communities, businesses and universities for their efforts to promote bicycling and provide roadmaps to improve.

Join us at the capitol!
Each year in February or March BikeMN hosts the Minnesota Bike Walk Summit which offers a chance for supporters to learn about biking, walking, and safe routes to school-related issues, what is being debated by the Minnesota Legislature, and how to make the case for support to your legislators and other community and business leaders.

Become a Member
Whether making an annual contribution or a sustaining monthly donation you can help support our efforts to advocate for biking and walking across the state.
Cycling accessibility and safety is a group effort.
Working together produces results
People are being injured and killed on Minnesota’s roads, so BikeMN is leading the charge for better motorist education by educating adults and youth on how to safely ride their bikes, working to change laws and improve safety for biking and walking, and through planning and implementing safer places to ride through community workshops.
Make change happen where you live and ride
BikeMN is working with rural, urban, and suburban communities to make action plans, and helping 25 communities get national bike friendly recognition. But we can’t do it alone, with your support – whether being a part of our community bike walk leadership teams, joining our network of leaders, or showing up to community meetings – and thought your local efforts with the support of statewide network and expertise, will help us advance our efforts for the benefit of all.