As tensions continue rising about how to address police use of force and budget issues, the pace at the Capitol is continuing to gain momentum. The Transportation committee chairs in the House and Senate held hearings on their omnibus bills (all policy and all finance proposals) just this past week and even passed the bills on to the finance and tax committees. Each bill will be debated and passed by the full House and full Senate soon.
The House Capital Investment Committee has held hearings on a Bonding bill, but not the Senate. The good news is that the House bill includes $8 million for Safe Routes to School and funding for several important trail projects. That is a good number for safe routes, it is certainly needed, and I was happy to have the chance to testify in support of it this week.
BikeMN supports the House transportation bill. It includes the first ever funding for the active transportation program and BikeMN’s recommended bike policy language. The Senate transportation bill does not include these things but we are pursuing amendments to include them while the bill is being debated on the Senate floor or when the House and Senate meet in conference committee to merge the two bills. You can find the House bill here and the Senate bill here. But, beware, they are more than 100 pages long. Please watch for an action alert from BikeMN once we have clearer messages for you to share with your state legislators.
Dorian Grilley, Executive Director