Benefits of Bicycling in MN

Better Biking and Walking Makes Sense
Be a part of the solution
Whether you are an individual, business, school, or community, the return on investment in bicycling and walking is high. BikeMN understands that walking and biking are not the only solution to the many, many, challenges we as individuals and our cities, state, nation, and planet face. But the relative costs of investing in biking and walking programs and infrastructure are quite low and the benefits to individual health, communities, and our environment are high. If you have suggestions for additional information to include, please let us know at

Mn DOT Assesses benefits of bicycling
A study that demonstrates bicycle commuting saves money and reduces health risks.

Active Transportation is a win for the environment
Greenhouse gas reduction through biking and walking.

Safe Routes to School
A proven strategy to increase health, safety and academic benefits.
Biking and Walking are Win-Win Strategies
Why Invest in Biking and Walking?
The Minnesota Department of Health’s Statewide Health Improvement Partnership’s (SHIP) strategic plan includes the Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) and Business (BFB) programs of the League of American Bicyclists as approved strategies that lead to the policy, systems, and environmental/infrastructure changes that lead to sustainable change. Ever wonder why there are BFC’s all over the state and Fergus Falls has made the BFB top ten list for the whole country? BikeMN’s partnership with SHIP is the reason.

The 6 E’s for a Bicycle Friendly America
Learn more from League of American Bicyclists
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI): A Bicycle Friendly America for Everyone
- Engineering: Creating safe and convenient places to ride and park
- Education: Giving people of all ages and abilities the skills and confidence to ride
- Encouragement: Creating a strong bike culture that welcomes and celebrates bicycling
- Evaluation & Planning: Planning for bicycling as a safe and viable transportation option
- Engagement: Advocacy should begin by seeking out and listening to all members of the community and working with existing organizations

What’s your BikeMN Story?
Fill out our Meet-A-Member Survey to tell us what you love about biking and walking and be entered for BikeMN merchandise.